September 2, 2022

September 2, 2022 - Weekly Update

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Please see this week’s announcements and reminders below:

GraceHill Sunday School Launch Meeting

We will have a volunteer launch meeting this Sunday, following the service. We ask all those serving in this ministry this year to be at this meeting. If you would like to sign up to serve in this ministry, please contact Albina or sign up here.

The first day of Sunday school is next Sunday, September 11.

Welcome Sunday | Sept 18

The Lord is good and faithful and continues to build His church by adding new saints to our church body! Please join us on Sunday, September 18, to welcome new members to our fellowship. The announcement will be made at the end of the service.

Sunday Worship | Sept 4

Let's come together this Sunday to celebrate our redemption by participating in Communion. As always, we will worship our Savior through prayers, songs, reading, giving, and preaching. Before we get into our next preaching series on September 11 (more on this next week), we will study Psalm 90 and answer the question – Can I enjoy life knowing I’m gonna die?

Don’t forget about the fellowship before the service (9:30 am).

GraceHill Kids
Worship Service

We are on Telegram

To receive regular updates and announcements, join the GraceHill Church Telegram channel.