November 19, 2021

November 19, 2021 - Weekly Update

Please see this week’s announcements and reminders below:

Love Your Neighbor Outreach

This week is Love Your Neighbor Week! From the beginning, we wanted this initiative to encourage us to be more mindful of the opportunities God gives us to love our neighbors. Hopefully, you’ve had/will have a chance to host your neighbor at home. We would love to hear from those of you who hosted a family - please share your experience with your Life Group the next time you meet.

Thanksgiving Dinner | Tomorrow

We look forward to being together tomorrow at our church-family dinner. Thank you for registering ahead of time, but if you are planning to come yet haven’t registered, please do so here. The event starts at 5 pm, so get there a bit early.

This Sunday | November 21

As usual, we’ll gather on Lord’s Day this Sunday to worship Him and build each other up. Join the church family at 9:30 am for some refreshments. We are coming to the end of our study of “One-Another’s,” with two more weeks left in this series. This week, we’ll open to Hebrews 10:19-25 to be instructed on how we could Encourage One Another.

Worship Service

We are on Telegram

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