Men's Prayer Breakfast

Saturday, September 14, 2024
8:30 - 10:15 am

Brothers! Join the men of GraceHill Church for a morning of fellowship and prayer for each other, our church, community, and beyond.

Our theme this year is Learning to Pray, and our guide is a book by Andrew Murray, With Christ in the School of Prayer.

This is a wonderful book in which Murray helps us to see that prayer is the highest work entrusted to man by God and that Christ Himself teaches us how to pray and abide in Him. This book is widely available in all formats.

📖 Free Print: English | Russian
🔉 Free Audiobook: English | Russian

We are looking forward to seeing you there. To RSVP, join the GraceHill Men Telegram Channel.

dont miss

Other Events

Membership Class (Fall 2024)

Sep 8
11:45 - 12:45 pm

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Back-to-School Sunday

10 am

Join us for a special Back-to-School Sunday!


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